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How to Find and Delete a Specific Line in .htaccess Files on Linux?

Working with multiple .htaccess files across a Linux server can be challenging, especially when it comes to making uniform changes in each file. Whether it's due to a security policy update, configuration changes, or any other need, managing these updates manually can be time-consuming. In this guide, "How to Find and Delete a Specific Line in .htaccess Files on Linux," we'll explore an automated way to find and delete a particular line in all .htaccess files. Using a simple Bash script, you can streamline this process and make sure the changes are consistently applied across all relevant files.

You can use a combination of `find`, `grep` and `sed` commands in Linux to find and replace content in files. Here's a simple bash script to do so:


# specify the line to search for

# find all .htaccess files under the /path/to/search/
find /path/to/search/ -type f -name ".htaccess" | while read file
    # check if the line exists in the file
    if grep -q "$search_line" "$file"; then
        echo "Found in $file, updating file."
        # delete the line in-place
        sed -i "/$search_line/d" "$file"

Replace `/path/to/search/` with the directory where you want to start your search. This script will find all .htaccess files in this directory and all its subdirectories.

Replace `your_line_here` with the line you want to search for. The script checks each .htaccess file. If it contains the specified line, the script deletes that line and updates the file.

Remember to give this script execute permission before running:

chmod +x

Please be careful when running this script, as it modifies files in place. You might want to backup your files or your system before running this script.

Please note: This script assumes you're using GNU sed. If you're on macOS or BSD, you'll need to use an empty string '' after `-i` in `sed` command, like so: `sed -i '' "/$search_line/d" "$file"`.

Also, if your line contains slashes `/` or other special regex characters, they may need to be escaped. This script does not handle these special cases.


In the ever-changing world of server management, automation and scripting are invaluable tools. By using the Bash script outlined in this guide, administrators can easily search for and remove specific lines in .htaccess files across a Linux server. This approach not only saves time but also ensures accuracy and consistency in updates. As technology continues to evolve, embracing automation will continue to be essential for efficient server management.

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