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Common Sense Test Quiz - Part 5 of Common Sense Quiz Test

During World War II, condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt water as the soldiers swam to shore. Approximately 55% of movies released are Rated R. The Roman emperor Domitian took great pleasure in being secluded in... Read More

Common Sense Test Quiz - Part 6 of Common Sense Quiz Test

"I am." is the second shortest complete sentence in the English language. On average, a person will spend about five years eating during their lifetime. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades - King... Read More

Common Sense Test Quiz - Part 7 of Common Sense Quiz Test

The word Thailand means "land of the free". A rose imprint that was fossilized in a slate was discovered in Florisant, Colorado, which is said to be thirty-five million years old. U.S. bills are 2.61 inches wide, 6.14 inches long, and are .0043... Read More

Common Sense Test Quiz - Part 8 of Common Sense Quiz Test

There was an army general during the Liberia Civil War who used to lead his army into battle naked. His nickname was "General Butt Naked." Joshua Milton Blahyi (his real name) is now an evangelical preacher in Monrovia. There are no two zebras... Read More

Business Quiz with Answers - Business Quiz Questions & answers

Question: What does BSA stand for as seen in BSA SLR cycles? Answer: Birmingham Small Arms Question: Which multinational owns the brands Georgia (Ice Coffee), and Aquaris (Isotanic drink)? Answer: Coca Cola Question: Who introduced the world's... Read More

Life Quiz - Insects, Plants, Trees and Animals Quiz Questions

1. What does a seed need to grow into a plant? Fertile soil Sunlight Water All 2. When cow dung, human and plant waste are allowed to rot, what do they produce? Manure Loam Soil Rock 3. What is a 'baby' frog called? Tadpole Puppy Kitten... Read More

Everyday Science Quiz Questions & Answers - Part 3

51. Question: Why is it less difficult to cook rice or potatoes at higher altitudes?Answer: Atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes is low and boils water below 100oC. The boiling point of water is directly proportional to the pressure on its... Read More

Everyday Science Quiz Questions & Answers - Part 4

76. Question: Why is a new quilt warmer than an old one?Answer: In a new quilt the cotton is not compressed and as such it encloses more air which is bad conductor of heat. Therefore, it does not allow heat to pass. 77. Question: Curved rail... Read More

Firsts in the World - Specialized History Quiz

Field Name Year Man to reach South Pole Roald Amundsen (Norway) 1911 Man to reach North Pole Robert E. Peary (USA) 1909 Woman to reach North Pole Mrs. Karoline Mikkelsen (Norway) 1935 Woman to reach South... Read More

The Universe Quiz - Questions about The Universe

Which is the oldest Satellite orbiting the earth? What is the common name of the Galaxy we inhabit? Where is the 'Sea of Showers'? Which is the only day named after a planet? Who is considered to be the 'Father of Modern... Read More

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