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Commonly Asked Questions about Laser Hair Removal

Here is a compilation of the most commonly asked questions about laser hair removal treatment. It also covers the questions about laser hair removal cost and its possible side effects.

Common Questions about Laser Hair Removal

What is laser hair removal?

Laser Hair reduction is a non-invasive light therapy specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body. The laser generates a pulse of intense, concentrated light which is gently applied to the treatment site through a small, cooled handpiece.

Laser Hair Removal

How does laser hair removal work?

This laser energy passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair and hair follicle, causing selective damage to the hair root without damaging delicate pores and structures of the skin. The hair follicle is destroyed permanently. The laser is pulsed for only a fraction of a second hence, excessive heat is not transferred to the surrounding skin. In just a few treatment sessions using the gentle power of lasers, you can greatly improve the appearance of the skin, which is disfigured by unwanted hair.

What are the benefits of laser hair removal compared to alternate treatments?

The primary benefits of laser hair removal include:

  1. Larger areas may be treated with less discomfort than with electrolysis, waxing, or tweezing.
  2. The treatment is speedy, comfortable, and has long-lasting results.
  3. The laser works on any area of the body.
  4. Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams remove the hair but leave the hair follicle intact, so the hair re-grows within one to four weeks in most cases. The laser hair removal offers you a long-term reduction in both the amount of hair and also a reduction in thickness and color of hair shafts, which do not grow back.
  5. Hair removal methods like plucking, waxing can cause irritation and may actually stimulate hair growth. This happens because one way the body defends itself against having hair pulled out is to produce thicker, stronger hair which is harder to pull out next time.

Why multiple treatment sessions are usually needed?

All lasers work by destroying hair follicles that are in their active growth cycle at the time of treatment. Hair follicles in their "dormant" phase have no hair affected by the laser. Because hair follicles cycle runs through "active" and "dormant" Phases of a specific period of about 6 to 10 weeks depending on body size, the laser treatment needs multiple sittings at specific intervals to destroy active follicles.

Am I a good candidate for laser removal?

Yes, the long-pulse laser allows treatment of people with all skin colors, and treatment of even light brown fine hair compared to other shorter wavelength lasers.

Which parts of the body can be treated?

All parts of the body can be treated.

Will laser hair removal hurt?

Most patients find laser hair removal to be very tolerable. However, some patients, especially those with very sensitive skin, may feel slight discomfort from the laser. A topical anesthetic can be used prior to treatment to make the procedure more comfortable.

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects

Are there any side effects of laser hair removal?

No, the laser energy source is non-ionizing radiation and does not have any side effects such as malignancy. The laser targets the tissue selectively without damaging surrounding structures.

How many sessions are required?

It depends on many factors such as skin type, hair type, site of the body, hormonal history, etc. On average 6 to 8 sessions are required with a 6 to 10 weeks gap between each session depending on body site, skin & hair type.

Are the results visible instantly?

No, visible effects are seen after 3 sessions because the number of "Active" hair follicles destroyed during each session varies between 20 to 30% depending on the body site.

How females can benefit from the laser?

For a normal healthy woman, the laser can act as a cosmetic device to remove any unwanted hair on the face (like upper lips, between eyebrows, shaping hairline/ eyebrows underarms, bikini area, legs, arms so just anywhere)

How can men benefit from laser hair removal?

Going by the trends, the clean look is in Beside the cosmetic reasons, men can get hair thinking if they have very bushy hair on hands, shoulders, ears, eyebrows, cheeks just anywhere) or permanent hair removal from the chest, legs, etc.

Laser Hair Removal Cost

Is laser hair removal costly?

Initially, it looks costly, but in the long run, it is the most reliable and economical option. Considering the time, money, and energy spent on all other hair removal options every 3-4 weeks for life long and at the end, there will be all the hair on the skin as it is. Compared to this in laser hair removal you have to visit a few times and there is the permanent destruction of hair follicles. You can enjoy smooth skin for a long-long duration. Thus, Laser hair removal saves huge time and money.

Do lasers work wonders for hair removal?

Lasers Do

  • Cause selective destruction of hair follicles.
  • Achieve long-term hair reduction after multiple sessions of treatment.
  • Cause some minor side effects such as swelling and pigmentation of skin in a minority of patients. These wean off quickly.

Lasers Do Not

  • Work equally well for all patients, In fact, different laser systems may work differently for patients with different skin types. Generally, patients with dark hair and fair skin respond best to laser hair removal.

How should I prepare for laser hair removal?

It is important not to have a tan or sunburn when undergoing laser hair removal. If you do have a tan, you should wait until it has faded significantly. You should not pluck or bleach the targeted hair for several weeks before laser hair removal. Ideally, shave the area right before coming in for your treatment session.

What are the precautions for laser hair removal?

Before the laser treatment, you should:

  • Avoid waxing and plucking of hairs for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure 4 weeks before treatment.
  • Shave the hair short on the day of laser treatment.

After laser treatment patients are generally permitted to resume normal activities immediately. However, it is recommended that you avoid vigorous activities such as strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment. For patients who treat their legs, it is advised to avoid hot baths. You should protect the treated area from the sun for several weeks after laser hair removal. Moisturizer and/or makeup can be used immediately after laser hair removal treatment.

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